| 1. | Alpatitch hugged his leg and broke into sobs 阿尔帕特奇挨着他的腿痛哭起来。 |
| 2. | She broke into sobs , and turned her back to him 她忍不住抽抽搭搭地哭起来,背过身去。 |
| 3. | And again she broke into sobs . my darling babe ! burnt 她又放声大哭, “我的心肝宝贝啊,烧死了! |
| 4. | And again he broke into sobs , and tears flowed from his eyes 他们把她给毁了! ”他又闭上了眼睛,泪水夺眶而出。 |
| 5. | Oh , its awful , awful ! natasha cried suddenly , and she broke into sobs again 娜塔莎忽然开口说,后来又嚎啕大哭起来。 |
| 6. | Da - ar - ling ! princess marya repeated the word and broke into sobs that relieved her heart 她重复着这个字眼,放声大哭起来,流着眼泪,眼泪使她的心情变得轻松了些。 |
| 7. | Natashas lip suddenly twitched , ugly creases came round her mouth , and she broke into sobs , hiding her face in her hands 娜塔莎的嘴唇突然抖动,歪扭的皱纹出现在嘴角,她蒙住脸失声痛哭。 |
| 8. | Its loathsome , vile , inhuman to take advantage of feebleness she could not go on . go out of my room , she cried , and broke into sobs “这真卑鄙,真下流,惨无人道地利用软弱, ”她没有把话说完, “您从我房里走开。 ” |
| 9. | Yes , now you can give yourself airs , she said , you have got what you wanted . and breaking into sobs , she hid her face in her handkerchief and ran out of the room 过了几分钟,公爵的大小姐头一个从那里走出来,面色惨白,紧闭着下嘴唇。她看见皮埃尔,脸上露出了难以抑制的愤恨。 |
| 10. | She felt sure he would say soft , tender words to her like those her father had uttered on his deathbed , and that she would not be able to bear it , and would break into sobs at them 她也知道,他会对她说一些轻轻的温情的话,像父亲临终前对她说的那些话,并且,她会忍受不了,而伏在他身上嚎啕大哭。 |